

A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6

JANUARY 2016 | VOL 174 | NO 1


LINEAR FRICTIONWELDINGUPDATE: LOWERCOSTS, BROADERAPPLICATIONS Michael Eff, Jerry Gould, and Tim Stotler From joining railroad rails to producing strong aluminum- to-steel joints, recent advancements in linear friction welding are reducing equipment costs and expanding potential uses. NEWPROCESS JOINSNITINOL TO STAINLESS STEEL Pankaj Gupta, Arne Rimmereide, and Roger Dickenson A new solid-state joining process for medical guidewire applications increases joint strength, provides superior bending properties, and does not require tertiary metals or ferrules. JON TIRPAK: 2015-2016 PRESIDENT OF ASM INTERNATIONAL Meet Jon Tirpak, FASM, the new president of ASM. ASMREFERENCE PUBLICATIONSCATALOG








Advanced Materials & Processes (ISSN 0882-7958, USPS 762080) is published monthly, except bimonthly July/August and November/December, by ASM International, 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073-0002; tel: 440.338.5151; fax: 440.338.4634. Periodicals postage paid at Novelty, Ohio, and additional mailing offices. Vol. 174, No.1, January 2016. Copyright © 2016 by ASM International. All rights reserved. Distributed at no charge to ASMmembers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. International members can pay a $30 per year surcharge to receive printed issues. Subscriptions: $475. Single copies: $51. POSTMASTER: Send 3579 forms to ASM International, Materials Park, OH 44073-0002. Change of address: Request for change should include old address of the subscriber. Missing numbers due to “change of address” cannot be replaced. Claims for nondelivery must be made within 60 days of issue. Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40732105. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 700 Dowd Ave., Elizabeth, NJ 07201. Printed by Publishers Press Inc., Shepherdsville, Ky.




  8 Metals/Polymers/Ceramics 10 Testing/Characterization 12 Process Technology 14 Energy Trends 16 Surface Engineering 17 Nanotechnology

74 Stress Relief 75 Classifieds 75 Editorial Preview 75 Special Advertising Section 75 Advertisers Index 76 3D PrintShop

4 Editorial 6 Market Spotlight 6 Feedback 7 OMG!

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