JANUARY Metallurgy for the Non-Metallurgist™ FEBRUARY Heat Treating for the Non-Heat Treater Introduction to Metallurgical Lab Practices How to Organize and Run a Failure Investigation
ASMWorld Headquarters
North Charleston, SC
ASMWorld Headquarters
2/22-23 2/22-24 2/24-26
Foothill Ranch, CA
Basics of Heat Treating ( formerly known as Introduction to Heat Treating )
ASMWorld Headquarters
Principles of Failure Analysis (3 day) Introduction to Materials Science
Foothill Ranch, CA
2/22-24 ASM World Headquarters
Heat Treating Furnaces and Equipment (formerly known as Advanced Heat Treating)
ASMWorld Headquarters
MARCH Metallurgy for the Non-Metallurgist™ – Blended Practical Interpretation of Microstructures
ASMWorld Headquarters
Allied High Tech, CA
Metallographic Techniques Introduction to Thermal Spray
3/14-17 3/21-22 3/21-24 4
ASMWorld Headquarters ASMWorld Headquarters
Titanium and Its Alloys
ASMWorld Headquarters
APRIL Superalloys
4/4-6 4/4-7 4/4-7
North Charleston, SC ASMWorld Headquarters ASMWorld Headquarters ASMWorld Headquarters Struers, Westlake, OH
Practical Heat Treating
Component Failure Analysis Principles of Failure Analysis Metallographic Interpretation Practical Fracture Mechanics
4/11-14 4/18-21 4/18-19 4/19-21 4/20-21 4/25-28 4/25-28 5/9-12 5/9-12 5/16-17 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/19-20 5/23-24 5/2-5
IMR Test Labs, NY
Aluminum and Its Alloys Practical Fractography
ASMWorld Headquarters
IMR Test Labs, NY
ASMWorld Headquarters ASMWorld Headquarters
Mechanical Testing of Metals
MAY Metallography for Failure Analysis Metallurgy of Welding and Joining Advanced Metallographic Techniques
ASMWorld Headquarters ASMWorld Headquarters ASMWorld Headquarters ASMWorld Headquarters ASMWorld Headquarters ASMWorld Headquarters ASMWorld Headquarters America Makes
Design for Additive Manufacturing – Materials, Processes, and Geometries
Metallurgy of Steel for the Non-Metallurgist
Practical Induction Heat Treating
VacuumHeat Treating
Metallographic Techniques – Blended (Lab Session)
MICROSCOPEICON Course includes instructor- led lab sessions
COMPUTERSCREENICON Online interactive course
CHAIRICON In-classroom course with on-site instructor
BOOKICON Self-study course
DVDDISCICON Course available for purchase on DVD
ONLINE INTERACTIVE COURSES - AVAILABLE 24/7 Start an ASM Online Course when you’re ready and learn at your own pace. Everything is delivered online, and our training professionals are with you every step of the way. Earn CEUs to keep your professional certification current or work towards an ASM Certificate Program.
For more information or to register for classes: Contact Chuck Klein, Lifelong Learning Consultant at 440.338.5407 or chuck.klein@asminternational.org
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