Failure Analysis of Heat Treated Steel Components Edited by L.C.F. Canale, R.A. Mesquita and G.E. Totten 2008 • 652 pages ISBN: 978-0-87170-868-7 Product Code: 05113G Price: $207 / ASM Member $155 Learn how to identify causes of failures, prevent future occurrences, and improve reliability. Numerous examples helpful to designers, engineers, metallurgists, mechanical and materials engineers, quality control technicians, and heat treaters. Special focus on the demands of tool steels and aerospace materials.
Understanding How Components Fail, 3rd Edition By Donald J. Wulpi Edited by Brett Miller 2013 • 310 pages ISBN: 978-1-62708-014-9 Product Code: 05363G Price: $177 / ASM Member: $135 This new edition of the classic best seller preserves the content from previous editions – How to Organize and Run a Failure Investigation By Daniel P. Dennies 2005 • 223 pages ISBN: 978-0-87170-811-3 Product Code: 05118G Price: $167 / ASM Member: $125 Outlines a proven, systematic approach to failure investigation. Explains the relationship between various failure sources and the organization and conduct of the investigation.
focusing on the metallurgical and materials evaluation for failure mode identification. Basic principles and practices are clearly explained. This is one of the first books new engineers and technicians should read.
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