to speed development of new high- temperature aluminum alloys for au- tomotive cylinder heads. ICME enables researchers to tailor new alloys at the atomic level to achieve desired proper- ties such as strength and ease of man- ufacturability. ORNL is breaking new ground by scaling ICME to run on DOE’s Titan supercomputer, the second fast- est computer in the world. Using Titan’s speed and parallel processing power, researchers can predictively model new alloys and select only the best candi- dates for further experimentation. This predictive capability dramatically re- duces the time, energy, and resources devoted to casting trial alloys. The team is also verifying the com- putational models through atomic scale imaging and analytical chemistry mea- surements. ORNL’s scanning transmis- sionelectronmicroscopy andatomprobe tomography allow researchers to identify and examine the location and chemistry of each atom in the alloy matrix, precip- itates, and the interfaces between them. In addition, ORNL and collaborators are creating a database to capture their
aluminum alloy discoveries. ornl.gov, fcanorthamerica.com, nemak.com. METAL POWDERS COULD REPLACE FOSSIL FUELS Metal powders produced using clean primary energy sources could pro- vide a more viable long-term replace- ment for fossil fuels than other widely discussed alternatives, such as hydro- gen, biofuels, or batteries, say research- ers at McGill University, Canada. The novel concept uses tinymetal particles— similar in size to fine flour—to power external combustion engines. The idea takes advantage of an important proper- ty of metal powders: When burned, they react with air to form stable, nontoxic solid-oxide products that can be collect- ed relatively easily for recycling. Iron could be the primary candidate as millions of tons of iron powders are already produced annually for various industries. Iron is also readily recyclable with well-established technologies, and some novel techniques can avoid the CO 2 associated with traditional iron produc- tion from coal. www.mcgill.ca. u i h y Publishwith us q k
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
Using high-performance computing, ORNL researchers are modelling the atomic structure of new alloys to select the best candidates for physical experimentation. SUPERCOMPUTER AND ICME DRIVE ALLOY DESIGN A research team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tenn., FCA US LLC, Auburn Hills, Mich., and Nemak, Mexi- co, is working together to create light- weight powertrain materials that will help the automotive industry meet its 54.5 mpg target by 2025. The ORNL-led project is part of an initiative from DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Office. The team is using integrated com- putational materials engineering (ICME)
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