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EDITORIAL PREVIEW FEBRUARY 2016 Microscopy/Metallography/Materialography Highlighting: • Emerging Topics in Microscopy • Jacquet-Lucas Award Winner • ITSC Show Preview Advertising Bonus: • Signet Ad Study Special Supplement: International Thermal Spray and Surface Engineering newsletter covering coatings in the aerospace and defense industries. Bonus Distribution: M&M 2016 + IMS Annual Meeting July 24–28, Columbus, Ohio Advertising closes January 5 MARCH2016 Modern Materials for Energy/Automotive/ Power Generation Highlighting: • Automotive Composites Testing • Field Assisted Sintering Technology • Al Alloys for Automotive Powertrain Systems Special Supplement: HTPro newsletter covering heat treating technology, processes, materials, and equipment, along with Heat Treating Society news and initiatives.
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Ipsen Inc.
Master Bond Inc.
NSL Analytical Services Inc.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc., Subs. Shimadzu Corp.
Struers Inc.
Thermo-Calc Software AB
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