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A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6
MASTERBOND COMPANY DESCRIPTION Master Bond is celebrating our 40th anniversary by con- tinuing our mission to develop cutting edge adhesives, seal- ants, coatings and
Our expansive line includesmore than3,000different grades of epoxies, silicones, andUV curable and LED curable compounds that meet a variety of property requirements including:
• High/low temperature resistance • Electrical conductivity/insulation • High/low viscosity • Flexibility and toughness • High glass transition temperatures • Corrosion and wear resistance • Dimensional stability • Durability • Impact, vibration and shock resistance
potting/encapsulation systems utilizing advanced technolo- gy for challenging applications. We make customer support a priority in the adhesive selection process. Our technical spe- cialists have decades of experience and will work with you, one-on-one, from the design, prototyping and manufacturing stages to help you meet your requirements. Master Bond will custom formulate products with specific performance prop- erties to meet unique application requirements. This may in- clude the redesign of an existing product or the development of a new composition. We also offer replacements for compet- itors’ discontinued products.
Master Bond one and two component adhesive systems offer remarkable bond strength to similar and dissimilar sub- strates. These compounds produce assemblies mechanically equivalent to or stronger than conventional metal fastened parts at lower cost and weight.
154 Hobart Street • Hackensack, NJ 07026 USA • tel: 201-343-8983 • fax: 201-343-2132 main@masterbond.com • www.masterbond.com
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