
ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 20 NO. 4 2 PURPOSE: To provide a technical condensation of information of interest to electronic device failure analysis technicians, engineers, and managers. Felix Beaudoin Editor/GlobalFoundries; felix.beaudoin@ Scott D. Henry Publisher Mary Anne Fleming Manager, Technical Journals Kelly Sukol Production Supervisor Joanne Miller Managing Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nicholas Antoniou Nova Measuring Instruments Navid Asadi NOVEMBER 2018 | VOLUME 20 | ISSUE 4 A RESOURCE FOR TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS


ENGAGE WITH EDFAS Lee Knauss, FASM, Booz Allen Hamilton EDFAS President Zhiyong Wang, Maxim Integrated EDFAS Immediate Past President

T he continuously advancing semiconductor indus- try puts increasing demands on our profession to localize and analyze defects to increase yield and reduce failures in the field. From silicon to packag- ing, the feature size, density, and 3D nature of current fabrication methods are making FA increasingly more challenging. As a society of electronic device failure

University of Florida Guillaume Bascoul CNES France Michael R. Bruce Consultant David L. Burgess Accelerated Analysis Jiann Min Chin Advanced Micro Devices Singapore Edward I. Cole, Jr. Sandia National Labs Szu Huat Goh GlobalFoundries Singapore Martin Keim Mentor, A Siemens Business

analysts, we need to improve communication and engage across businesses, technologies, and academia to support our membership in addressing these ever-increasing challenges. Our professional society has long promoted the interaction between testing and failure analysis as indicated in the name of our major confer- ence. However, the representation of test-related topics has diminished substantially over the years. To address this deficit, we are co-locating with the International Test Conference (ITC) this year. Access to the ITC plenary, panel sessions, and exhibits will provide renewed opportunities for engage- ment with the test community and stimulate conversation that has not taken place through our conference venue for a long time. Strategic objectives under consideration going into 2019 are focused around engagement among people, our knowledge resources, and leading industry organizations. We arewriting this in advance of our fall EDFAS Board meeting, whichwill occur just before the start of ISTFA. Although our strategic objectives are not yet formalized, we want to make our society’s members aware of the draft version. Our hope is that you will engage us in discussions during the conference to confirmthe valueof theseobjectives andoffer further ideas to help shape them. EDFAS Strategic Objectives Draft • Engaging people ºº Establish discussion groups for year-long engagement, leveraging popular platforms ºº Renew development of local EDFAS chapters for more opportunities to connect throughout the year in local geographies ºº Improve engagement opportunities within ISTFA and through con- nections with other conferences, like ITC this year

Ted Kolasa Orbital ATK

Rose M. Ring Lam Research

Sam Subramanian NXP Semiconductors Paiboon Tangyunyong Sandia National Labs David P. Vallett PeakSource Analytical LLC Martin Versen University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, Germany FOUNDING EDITORS Edward I. Cole, Jr.

Sandia National Labs Lawrence C. Wagner LWSN Consulting Inc. GRAPHIC DESIGN Jan Nejedlik,

PRESS RELEASE SUBMISSIONS Electronic Device Failure Analysis™ (ISSN 1537-0755) is pub- lished quarterly by ASM International ® , 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073; tel: 800.336.5152; website: edfas. org.Copyright©2018byASMInternational.Receive Electronic Device Failure Analysis as part of your EDFAS membership. Non-member subscription rate is $135 U.S. per year. Authorizationtophotocopy itemsfor internalorpersonaluse, orthe internalorpersonaluseofspecificclients, isgrantedby ASM Internationalfor librariesandotherusersregisteredwith theCopyrightClearanceCenter(CCC)TransactionalReporting Service, provided that the base fee of $19 per article is paid directlytoCCC,222RosewoodDrive,Danvers,MA01923,USA. Electronic Device Failure Analysis is indexed or abstracted by Compendex, EBSCO, Gale, and ProQuest.

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