

With a new product launch from Thermo Fisher, Waltham, Mass., scientists working in industrial and academic R&D, quality control, and failure analysis labo- ratories now have access to a simple but powerful new scanning electronmicroscope (SEM) that also offers a full range of imaging and analytical options formore complex investigations. TheThermoScientificPrismaSEMplatform incorporates extensive automation and a user-friendly interface thatmakes it easy to learn andoperate in routine industrial applications, while preserving the flexibility needed in a research or academic setting. For more information, visit SCANNING ACOUSTIC MICROSCOPY: FROM LAB TO HIGH-THROUGHPUT FAB Scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) technology con- tinues to advance and is rapidly becoming the technique of choice. SAMuses ultrasoundwaves to nondestructively examine internal structures, interfaces, and surfaces of opaque substrates. The resulting acoustic signatures can be constructed into 3D images, which are analyzed to detect and characterize device flaws such as cracks, delaminations, inclusions, and voids in bonding inter- faces, as well as to evaluate soldering and other interface connections. “Using ultrasoundprovides a clear advantage in ensur- ing good adhesion and mechanical integrity of devices,” says Peter Hoffrogge, product manager of PVA TePla Analytical Systems GmbH, a company that designs and manufactures advanced SAMs. The challenge is to performthis inspection at extreme- ly high throughput with 100% inspection to identify and remove components that do not meet quality require- ments. Often, these defects can occur in different layers of the device. This necessitates more advanced equipment that simultaneously inspects several layers, often on multiple channels scanningmultiple samples in handling trays in an automated fashion to accelerate the process. However, as with other inspection systems, increasing throughput requirements has traditionally required sacri- ficing image resolution. Fortunately, the latest advanced inspection equipment can overcome these limitations. Much of today’s equipment is customdesigned to be com- pletely integrated into other high volume manufacturing systems. This includes models specifically designed for inspectionof items suchas crystal ingots, wafers, andelec- tronics packages in a range of standard sizes. Equipment can be semi-customized for items with unique product geometries or sizes.

Acoustic scanning. The unique characteristic of acous- tic microscopy is its ability to image the interaction of acoustic waves with the elastic properties of a specimen. In this way themicroscope is used to image the interior of an opaque material. Scanning modes range from single layer views to tray scans and cross-sections. Multi-layer scans can include up to 50 independent layers. Predeveloped, integrated systems. Today, SAM equip- ment is available that has been predeveloped to handle standardized items such as bonded wafer inspection of MEMS or CMOS imaging sensors. This equipment tests for inclusions or delaminated areas in the bonding interfaces and other defects. Regardless of the type of component inspected, each system includes integrated data analysis and automation software, GEM/SECS interface for fabhost communication, and other key features. Customized equipment. For applications with unique product geometries and sizes, companies like PVA TePla can build on core platform components that utilize the latest technology. When even higher throughput is required, up to four transducers can simultaneously scan for higher throughput. Throughput can also be increased by incorporating ultra-fast single or dual gantry scanning systems or six-axis robots. Other possible add-ons include rotation axes (flipping), vacuum chucks, and customized water tanks. For more information, visit HIGH-RESOLUTION MICROSCOPY CONFIRMS NANOSCALE MAGNETIC PROPERTIES A research team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Calif., confirmed the presence of chirality in nanometer-thick samples of multilayer materials with a chaotic structure. This information could be used for the transmissionand storage of data. Becausemost electronic devices rely on the flow of electron charges, researchers worldwide are constantly searching for innovative ways to transform electronics by developing materials and techniques to control other intrinsic electron traits, such as their spin and their orbits around atoms. Researchers believe that these properties could lead to more reliable, faster, and smaller data storage by enabling spintronics. Developing spintronics-driven devices that produce less heat and need less power compared to tra- ditional devices is now possible. In a recent study, researchers from Berkeley Lab’s Molecular Foundry and Advanced Light Source confirmed


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